If like us, you’re an avid comic book collector then you probably always have your eyes peeled for another comic to add to your collection. The good news is that there are often secret gems you can look in to find a bargain comic book – and we’re about to share them with you!
eBay has become a ‘go to’ for many people who are looking to shop online. The good news about eBay is that there is such a massive range of products for sale, so you can get almost anything you want and comic books are no exception! People often do house clearances and sell things they have found in a relative’s house without even really knowing what they are! Checking on eBay is a good way to find these little hidden gems – you’ll need to keep an eye out and bid at the right time, but it is possible!
Charity Shops
You might be surprised to learn that your local high street could be a great place to pick up some comic book bargains. You’ll find that local people clearing out their homes will often donate boxes of ‘junk’ to charity shops without really looking at what they are giving. Charity shops are not usually comic book experts, which means that they sell these at a standard prize – so you can easily get a bargain!
Car Boot Sales & Markets
Much like charity shops, you can often get bargain comic books from people selling them without really realising their worth. Just make sure that you check the condition of a book before you buy it and make sure that you’re getting good value for money before you part with your hard earned cash.
There are lots of different selling pages now a days on Facebook, so finding one that sells comic books should not be too difficult. Even general house clearance and local second hand selling pages could help – because you never know who could be clearing out their home and giving you the chance to bag a comic book bargain.
Comic Book Retailers
Buying direct from a comic book retailer might not be the best way to get a bargain but it can be a great way to get hold of a comic book that you really want. They sometimes have sales and offers too, which means that you can get something without spending too much money.